We all know some running men are the usual suspects when it comes time for penalties to get handed out. This week they’re going to see if they can get rid of the bad luck that plagues them. Will the Penalty Men be able to avoid the water bomb or will they drag some of the other running men under the deluge?

The 2 Days, 1 Night team wants a new poster image for the new year. It was one of the members’ wishes last week and it’s time for an update now that the members have gotten closer. Taking inspiration from classic movies that relate to the winter seems only natural. What movies and characters might the members be forced to portray? Will they be able to show a chic image all year or will the new poster be even worse than the first one?

When 3 big sisters join the running men, will they help their family team to become the best or will the family fall into ruin under their leadership? When the games are done, which big sisters will share their allowance with their siblings and which will keep it all because their eyes are only on the prizes?

The Running Man School is open! What kinds of students would attend such a school? The band club, dance club, and the student guidance clubs who are all at odds with each other. The teacher is kept busy giving demerits as the clubs compete to be the best and to have funds for further activities. Will the best, richest club have the worst behaved student? Let’s go to school!

I’m so proud to present my top 50 songs of the year, this is something I always look forward to putting together every single year, and this year is no different. Well, one major difference is the top of the list felt very close compared to some previous years, but that’s only because everything was so amazing this year in terms of kpop music.