Although kpop is a huge passion for me, so too is gaming, in fact, it’s my original passion, and the thing I spend the most time actively thinking about. So this year, I decided to rank all the games I played. Let’s see what the best was!
All in Gaming
Although kpop is a huge passion for me, so too is gaming, in fact, it’s my original passion, and the thing I spend the most time actively thinking about. So this year, I decided to rank all the games I played. Let’s see what the best was!
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet ring in generation 9 of pokemon with decidedly more controversy than I would have expected. I honestly don’t really agree with a lot of what the other people online have said in some regards. So come on in and check out a review from somebody who has opinions not just based on graphics.
The first Call of Duty Cold War Major starts today! Let’s take a look at the first four matches and what it will take each team to start off the tournament with a win, and break down the teams that are waiting for them. And of course, we’ll make some predictions along the way.
How good can a free game that serves as a tech demo be? Actually, pretty fantastic, read about our thoughts on this cute little platformer.
The next generation of gaming is here, come and find out what we think of the Playstation 5.
Manely Kpop’s top 10 games of all time. See if yours made the cut, or maybe find a great game that you haven’t played yet.
My thoughts on the new Diablo-style game, fun, but with many frustrations.
An exploration of what makes Jedi: Fallen Order work, and what holds it back.