Running Man Episode 680 Review

Running Man Episode 680 Review

Guests: Hong Jinho (pro poker player, former pro StarCraft BW player YellOw), Shin Yeeun (actress)

My Entertainment Score: 6 out of 10 laughs

I quite enjoyed the concept of this and they did a decent job of building suspense, but there wasn’t much done in the way of games. The only actual physical game that was played wasn’t shown.

What Happened: 

Theme: Do You Want to Win in Singapore?

Opening/Guest Introductions (start of episode- 8:10)

The show opens in Singapore right after the members all arrive.

Race Explanation (8:10- 10:30)

After each game, the members will pick as many cards as they want at random. The combined total for the members of the team should be 51 or lower. If so, the members will get prize badges based on the amount that they contributed to the total (4 badges to the teammate with the highest total in cards). If a team exceeds 51, the member with the highest total will get 4 penalty badges and the member with the lowest total will get 2 penalty badges. The two members in the middle will be safe.

Teams were pre-determined:

1) Jaesuk, Jihyo, Jinho, Sechan

2)Seokjin, Jongkook, Haha, Yeeun

First Card Drawing (10:30- 21:33)

First Mission: Amazing Singapore Quiz (21:33- 29:30)

The members are given quiz questions about Singapore. Each correct answer earned a Singaporian snack for the bus ride.

Second Mission: Mandai Zoo (29:30- 1:02:57)

The members tour around the zoo first and meet some of the animals. While waiting for the night safari, the members played foot volleyball. This was shown as a montage at the bottom of the screen.

Second Card Drawing - 36:30.

Night Safari - 48:30. 

Third Card Drawing - 57:28.

Third Mission: Singlish Emergency (1:02:57- 1:21:48)

The members will have 5 dishes described to them in Singlish, which is Singaporean English…other than the accents and some local words, it was basically just English. The team that buys the five dishes most accurately at the night market will get prize badges. The other team will get penalty badges. 

Note: After the game, the members get to eat a Singaporean dinner.

Fourth Card Drawing - 1:20:45.

Final Results (1:28:30- end of episode)

The two members that receive a penalty will get forehead slaps from the 2 members that win.

The winners get suites at the hotel. 

Preview: Pay-It-All-Package—The Singapore Trip part 2.


First Card Drawing

Team Jinho:

Jaesuk - (1 card) - 9 (2 penalty badges)

Jihyo - (3 cards) - 14 (nothing)

Jinho - (3 cards) - 12 (nothing)

Sechan - (4 cards) - 17 (4 penalty badges)

Team Total: 52 —the members get penalty badges for going over 51

Team Yeeun:

Seokjin - (1 cards) - 10 (2 prize badges after losing rock, paper, scissors)

Jongkook - (3 cards) - 10 (3 prize badgers after winning rock, paper, scissors)

Haha - (3 cards) - 17 (4 prize badges)

Yeeun - (2 cards) - 9 (1 prize badge)

Team Total: 46 —the members are safe

Foot Volleyball

Jaesuk and Sechan get 3 prize badges.

Jinho and Jihyo get 2 prize badges.

Yeeun gets 2 penalty badges.

Jongkook, Haha, and Sechan get 1 penalty badge.

Second Card Drawing

Team Jinho:

Jaesuk - (2 cards) - 12 (3 prize badges)

Jihyo - (1 cards) - 8 (2 prize badges)

Jinho - (1 cards) - 6 (1 prize badge)

Sechan - (2 cards) - 19 (4 prize badges)

Team Total: 45 –the members are safe.

Team Yeeun:

Seokjin - (3 cards) - 20 (4 penalty badges)

Jongkook - (2 cards) - 12 (nothing)

Haha - (2 cards) - 10 (2 penalty badges)

Yeeun - (4 cards) - 15 (nothing)

Team Total: 57 – the members get penalty badges for going over 51

Third Card Drawing

Team Jinho:

Jaesuk - (2 cards) - 14 (nothing)

Jihyo - (2 cards) - 16 (nothing)

Jinho - (2 cards) - 18 (4 penalty badges)

Sechan - (2 cards) - 11 (2 penalty badges)

Team Total: 59 –the members get penalty badges for going over 51

Team Yeeun:

Seokjin - (3 cards) - 15 (nothing)

Jongkook - (3 cards) - 12 (nothing)

Haha - (4 cards) - 20 (4 penalty badges)

Yeeun - (2 cards) - 10 (2 penalty badges)

Team Total: 57–the members get penalty badges for going over 51

Singlish Emergency

Team Jinho: 2 correct answers –10 prize badges to split

Team Yeeun: 1 correct answer —5 penalty badges to split

Fourth Card Drawing

Team Jinho:

Jaesuk - (3 cards) - 13

Jihyo - (2 cards) - 12 (2 penalty badges)

Jinho - (2 cards) - 15 (4 penalty badges)

Sechan - (2 cards) - 13

Team Total: 53 –the members get penalty badges for going over 21

Team Yeeun:

Seokjin - 12

Jongkook - (3 cards) - 9 (2 penalty badges)

Haha - (4 cards) - 16

Yeeun - (4 cards) - 16 (4 penalty badges after losing rock, paper, scissors)

Team Total: 53 –The members get penalty badges for going over 51

Final Badge Counts

I will list this as Name (number of prize badges - number of penalty badges) = final score

  1. Sechan (11-4) = 7

  2. Jaesuk (8-2) = 6

  3. Jihyo (7-2) = 5

  4. Jongkook (4-4) = 0

  5. Haha (4-8) = -4

  6. Seokjin (2-6) =-4

  7. Jinho (5-10) = -5

  8. Yeeun (1-10) = -9

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