2Days, 1Night, Season 4- Episode 168 pt 2 - 170 Rice Thieves and Physical 100 Trip Review

2Days, 1Night, Season 4- Episode 168 pt 2 - 170 Rice Thieves and Physical 100 Trip Review

*2 Days, 1 Night is a show where 6 regular cast members take themed trips around Korea to show off its charms. Each trip is designed to highlight an area or else to create cohesion for the games they play. The general formula for a trip is a lunch game, a dinner game, and a sleeping inside or outside game, a morning mission, and a getting off work game. Half of the members (in teams or as individuals) will win lunch. The same will be true of dinner and the right to sleep inside instead of in a tent, etc. Trips often cover several episodes.*

This Trip’s Theme: Rice Thieves trip

My Entertainment Score: overall 9 out 10 laughs

This was a good trip overall. It had been a while since my first viewing and I honestly had thought the dinner game and the sleeping games were from two different trips, so the theme does change up on you a bit, but neither part is weak in any way. 

What Happened:

Opening (1:16:00 of ep 168- 1:23:40 of episode 168)

The members met in the South Jeolla Province during the season of the plum blossoms. All the trees were white with flowers of spring. It almost looked like snow from a distance. Beautiful! 

Breakfast Game (1:23:40 of episode 168 - 14:45 of episode 169)

So that each member can eat breakfast with a different stunning view, tents are placed around the area. The members play the “YA!!!” game to decide who will be allowed to choose the tents first.

Breakfast - start of episode 169. Most of the members are given just one leaf of cabbage for breakfast along with a video of a staff member having a complete meal. However, 2 members (unshown to us viewers) get a complete breakfast. After 10 minutes, they all return to the starting point for the rice thieves race to begin.

Race Explanation - 9:12. The members are informed about the rice thieves. Suspicion immediately runs through the group. For the dinner game, they will play several games to give chances to discover the rice thieves. If both rice thieves are caught, everyone else will get bulgogi (YUM) dinner. If even one rice thief is not caught, the rice thieves get the dinner.

Dinner Games - Catch the Thieves (14:45 of episode 169- end of episode 169)

Balloon Train Game - 14:45. The members stand in a line one in front of another. Between each member there are balloons that the members have to hold simply by pressing together. They have 2 minutes to walk down a path to the car, each member picking up an item along the way. If they are able to finish in 2 minutes, they will have a chance to catch a rice thief. 

Note: I’ll put travel time at the end of each segment. There is a lot of bickering and accusations as the members move around after each game. Because the accusations usually are based on game performance, it makes sense to keep them together this way.

Rice Thieves are Revealed to Each Other - 29:00. …but we only get to know about one at this point. 

Lunch Game: Water Balloon Bingo - 34:37. A giant 3 x 3 is created on the ground with a line a little bit away from each side (the starting line on what I thought of as the top and bottom of the board). Two members played at a time. One would stand behind the bottom starting line and toss a water balloon. The second player would run forward and try to catch the water balloon in a basket above his head. If the balloon was caught, an O would go on the board. If the balloon popped, an X would go on the board. 3 X’s in a row would be a win. If they won, everyone would get lunch and the team would get a chance to find the rice thief. 

Three Colored Balls Hole-in-One - 1:05:50. The members are allowed to explore the area before the game…because allowing suspicion to fester is obviously the right choice. Haha. The game begins at 1:08:25. A round sheet is held by all the members. 3 holes are cut into the sheet and marked with a color (red, blue, and green). A staff member drops all three balls (red, blue, and green) onto the sheet. The members have 1 minute to lift and lower the sheet in such a way as to get all the balls into the matching colored hole. Anytime they incorrectly sink a ball, they must begin again. Winning gives a chance to find the rice thief. 

Stair Race - 1:16:15. The members simply had to race up the stairs leading up to an observation platform on Mount Gubong. If a civilian arrived first, the civilians won. If a rice thief arrived first, the civilians would lose. Winner gets dinner!

Dinner - 1:26:00. 

Sleeping Game: Physical BackYard (start of episode 170 - 55:17)

The Sleeping Games were all based roughly on a popular show called “Physical 100”. 100 in Korean is “Baek”, so the name is a pun. They even did individual introductions for each member like Physical 100. Some clips from this episode made me curious and I ended up marathon-ing Physical 100. I knew a bunch of the people in it and it was very exciting. I recommend it.

Three separate physical rounds were played to eliminate the ‘strong’ from the possibility of sleeping outdoors. Only the final loser of the games would have to sleep outside.

Round 1 - 9:45. In this round, the members simply had to collect 100 points doing physical missions around a large field. Missions were worth different amounts of points based on their ‘difficulty’ and included things like flicking your shoe into a basketball hoop, doing 15 meters of forward rolls in a row, making over 110 decibels of sound while hitting a gong with your head, and doing20  double under jump ropes in a row, etc. There are way too many to list here without being annoying. Members can try missions over and over and succeed in the same mission more than once. If more than one member lines up for a mission, they MUST take turns after each failure. The top three members from this round get to sleep indoors and no longer have to compete.

Round 2 - 32:15. In this round, the members were aiming to collect 100 liters of water. Each member was attached at the waist to bungees. They had to run forward (against the pull of the bungees) to grab the water bottles and bring those back to their station. The water bottles were different sizes from 25L down to 5L. The first member to collect 100L would get to sleep inside.

Note: The game is demonstrated by the winners of the previous round before the actual match, so you can watch all 6 guys struggle with this task. 

Round 3 - 40:17. The final round is a game directly from Physical 100. The final 2 members battle for the final space indoors. The member holding the volleyball at the end of 100 seconds wins. There is a specified ground for the members to stay within but otherwise, it's no holds barred. 

Note: This game was also demonstrated by some of the winning players. 

Sleeping Time - 53:34. Note: It’s about this time that Dindin’s suffering with sleeping began. Poor guy just can’t escape the snorers. The morning mission is given at this point before the members head to bed. 

Morning Mission (55:17- )

The morning mission is a ‘Morning Marathon”. Members needed to gather before 8 at the entrance to the village. The earliest to arrive got an advantage in the game…they get to choose their partner for the first round and decide whether to carry or be carried by that partner in the first leg of the race. The race consists of several legs with different missions for each. The first leg is to be carried or carry a partner to the next point. At the first transition, members had to use mousse to make their hair parted perfectly down the middle before running to the next station where they had to put on high heels to run to the next station. There, a water v salt water luck game was waiting. As soon as they find water, they can move on. The next task was to put on military boots and properly lace them. Next, they had to wear a pedometer on their head and get to 150 before the next point. Riding a scooter came next. The next leg was my favorite! They had to wear a sack and jump…BUT! They also had to wear a vest with castanets in the armpits and flap their arms to click the castanets twice between each jump. The staff named it the sack waltz. The next segment was to ride either a 2 or 4 wheeled bike down a straight path…which had celebrity pictures posted along the way. At the end, they had to name 5 in order to pass. Finally, the members had to use a ‘creeper cart’ to low-crawl to the finish line.

Breakfast - 1:24:29. 

Preview: Spring Photography Trip. With only $60, the members need to take a whole trip to take the best spring photos. 


Breakfast Game

  1. Inwoo

  2. Seonho

  3. Seyoon

  4. Junghoon

  5. Jongmin

  6. Dindin

Balloon Train Game

The members finish, but take well over 3 minutes to finish, so they do not get a chance to catch the rice thieves.

Water Balloon Bingo

The members succeed! They get lunch and get to test one member as a rice thief.

Seonho is chosen and Seonho IS a rice thief. When a rice thief is caught, his forehead gets stamped with a rice bowl (that looks like an Easter basket to me…is that just me?) One down, one to go.

Lunch is at 57:15. I didn’t want to put that up top where it belongs because it’s spoilers, but it felt wrong leaving it out too. 

Three Colored Balls Hole-In-One

The members fail to complete the mission. There is no chance to catch the rice thief.

Stair Race

Inwoo arrives first. Inwoo is….*drumroll*...a rice thief! The rice thieves win dinner!

Sleeping Games

Round 1 - Dindin wins!! He does this by hitting his head on the gong over and over. Poor guy.

Jongmin comes in second and gets to sleep inside.

Seonho comes in third and gets to sleep inside.

Round 2 - Seyoon obviously wins and gets to sleep inside. 

Round 3 - Inwoo wins and gets to sleep inside.

Junghoon has to sleep outdoors by himself.

Breakfast Mission

  1. Dindin

  2. Jongmin

  3. Junghoon

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