Variety Review: Running Man Episode 630
Guests: Kim Jieun (actress), Cho Saeho (comedian)
My Entertainment Score: 6 out of 10 laughs
I laughed my way through this episode, but had completely forgotten every game in it when I came back to write up this article only 2 days later. Definitely worth a watch at some point though.
What Happened:
Theme: One Dollar Gourmet Race
Opening/Guest Introductions (start of episode- 12:52)
Race Explanation (8:35- 15:35)
The meals will cost $1 for each of 3 restaurants that they will visit today. However, they will have currency from the three team captains to spend. The exchange rate for each captain into dollars will change depending on their performance in each game. The captains were preset by the staff as Saeho, Jieun, and Jongkook.
The rest of the members can choose their captain each round and will earn that captain’s money depending on the performance in the games. To start, they can take 20 bills of any captain’s currency–by this I mean 20 total bills, but they do not all have to be for the same captain.
First Mission: Calculating with a Shaky Hand (15:35- 50:00)
First Captain Selection (15:35)
Jongkook- Haha
Saeho- Jihyo, Sechan, Somin
Jieun- Seokjin, Jaesuk
**I’m including the travel time in this section**
Game (22:32)
The members will take turns going one on one against another team (3 rounds total so that all the teams face each other). They are given a math question (large numbers and multiple steps and signs) and they must simply solve it….Except we all know it won’t be that simple. The members are allowed the use of a calculator. However, they can only type on the calculator with a hand that is hooked up to a low-frequency massager machine…and is therefore jolting and jumping around annoyingly.
Round 1: Jieun v Saeho
Round 2: Jongkook v Seokjin
Round 3: Haha v Somin
Exchange Rate Reveal and Meals (34:25)
Members can sell their own things to a ‘pawn shop’ in order to get more bills of whatever kind they wish. They can…apparently…also use their bills to buy other people’s things. Dare you to guess who gets teased using this method.
**I’m going to include travel time to the second mission location here.**
Second Mission: Water Splash in Silence (50:00- 1:07:30)
Before the game begins, the members are able to choose their captains again.
Jongkook- Seokjin, Haha, Sechan
Saeho- Jaesuk
Jieun- Jihyo, Somin
Game (52:39)
One team plays the shout in the silence game. For each correct answer they give, they can pull the pin on a water hat. (The hat has pins, but only one will make water leak out on a person’s head.) The round ends when both the water hats are activated. The fastest team to finish will win.
Exchange Rate Reveal and Meals (1:03:10)
Third Mission: Scary Slipper (1:07:30- 1:20:36)
Captain Choices are available again before the game begins:
Jongkook- Haha, Sechan
Saeho- IS ALONE!
Jieun- Seokjin, Jaesuk, Jihyo, Somin
Game (1:08:36)
Each team will get two turns to attack. The attacker will sit one step down between one member of each of the other teams. They get 20 chances to try to slap the shins of the other teams’ members. The defending members can slap the attacker’s hand or arm with a slipper to save the points. Points are given for each successful slap. The team with the highest points wins.
Round 1: Sechan attacking Saeho and Jaesuk
Round 2: Saeho attacking Seokjin and Jongkook
Round 3: Jaesuk attacking Saeho and Jongkook
Round 4: Jongkook attacking Saeho and Jaesuk
Round 5: Jieun attacking Saeho and Haha
Round 6: Saeho attacking Sechan and Somin.
Exchange Rate Reveal and Meals (1:16:60)
Fourth Mission: Dice Rolls (1:20:36- 1:24:21)
The teams become:
Jongkook- Haha, Jihyo, Sechan
Saeho- Somin
Jieun- Seokjin, Jaesuk
Each team will have 2 people roll a dice. The sum of the dice will determine the winners and the exchange rate for the final prize, a box of pine mushrooms.
Final Results (1:24:21- end of episode)
There is a prize if the members can come up with enough money for it.
Preview: Running Man World Cup…however, it doesn’t seem that they will be playing any soccer. I genuinely have no idea what to expect.
***I will not be keeping track of the amount of each currency that each member has. I started to and it was ridiculous.
Calculating with a Shaky Hand
Round 1: Saeho wins
Round 2: Jongkook wins
Round 3: Haha wins
Jongkook’s team - 2 wins
Saeho team - 1 win, 1 loss
Jieun team - 2 losses
And the exchange rate becomes:
1 dollar =
30 Jongkook money or
40 Saeho money or
60 Jieun money
Water Splash in Silence
Saeho Team
Jongkook Team
Jieun Team
The exchange rate is now:
1 dollar =
40 Saeho money or
50 Jongkook money or
80 Jieun money
Scary Slipper
Jongkook Team
Jieun Team
Saeho Team
The exchange rate is now:
1 dollar =
40 Jongkook money or
50 Jieun money or
80 Saeho money
Dice Rolls
Jongkook Team: 2 (Jongkook) + 6 (Jihyo) = 8
Jieun Team: 2 (Seokjin) + 3 (Jieun) = 5
Saeho Team: 3 (Somin) + 6 (Saeho) = 9
The exchange rate becomes:
1 dollar=
90 Saeho money or
100 Jongkook money or
110 Jieun money
Final Results
Jieun is able to afford the prize.
Jongkook is able to afford the prize.
Saeho gives the amount for the prize in order to get his shoes back.