Top 50 Kpop Songs of 2023 (Chelsea Edition)

Top 50 Kpop Songs of 2023 (Chelsea Edition)

Last year I barely had 50 songs on my list. This year, I’ve had to decide on 23 songs to leave out of my list to keep it at only 50 songs! That means I had to cut my list of songs by ⅓, y’all. Needless to say, this year has been a great one in kpop land for me.  Without further ado, here’s the Top 50 Songs of the Year for me.

*Special Note: I will have E’LAST in my list. I understand the controversy that the team is currently facing AND that the official fan groups are actively boycotting the group in hopes of making sure the members are in a safe place. I absolutely agree with the desire and do not in any way condone the cult associated with the CEO of E’LAST’s company. However, I disagree with boycotting as a method. I’m sure the boys haven’t been able to pay back the trainee debt yet and I do not want them in the financial power of potential abusers. Nor do I want them to cut back activities that put them in the spotlight rather than behind closed doors with people associated with abusers. More than anything, I do not want these young men to feel that they have lost the love and support of the fans and fall into depression. I hope you will be understanding of my personal belief that unyielding support is a better way to defend the members of the group.*

50. DKB - Told You

My first offering is a true pop ballad, with the powerful and emotional belted out choruses. I really appreciate that the song has classical composition in the verse, slow-build bridge, and dramatic chorus, Repeat x2. With good singing and a decent melody, that formula is super hard to mess up.

49. Tempest - Dangerous

I like this one for cooking or exercise. It’s got a go-go-go attitude and it’s always worthwhile to have a rotation of songs like that in the playlist.

48. Seventeen - April Shower

Here we have an offering for long car drives. It works that way for me, anyway. Nice steady beat without getting boring and easy to sing along with without distracting me from the road. I always try to find one or two new songs in this category each year to keep things interesting. But…can we please end the k-mullets…please? Pretty please?

47. E’LAST - Thrill

I’m starting to count on these guys to put out songs that work for me. The songs tend to go hard and I always imagine they would fit well in a movie. In this case, there are a couple ear-wormy parts of this song, but I get annoyed that my voice isn’t as cool as theirs when I try to sing it.

46. XEED - Dream Land

Keep in mind that our year runs from December to November so that we can wrap things up at the end of the year in a timely manner. This came out December 1, so it could not have come earlier in the year. The chorus of this takes me back to 2nd or 3rd gen kpop and I don’t mind that for a second. The verses don’t always do what I would choose, but I don’t mind that either. I keep saying “Let’s see how this one ages” even though it's been a solid year that it's sat on my playlist.

45. Lee Gikwang - Predator

I’m loving this solo from Gikwang. It fits him so well. Technically he had his solo debut as AJ with “Dancing Shoes” before he was a member of Beast, so this is actually a comeback. This is like the softer cousin of club music, so it’s nice when you’re in a good mood but not wanting something to hype you up to dancing levels of excitement.

44. &Team - Road Not Taken

This is the song that started my journey down the &Team fandom pit. I’m stuck now. And I’ll be completely honest here…I initially liked the song because they make a wolf in the choreography. When I watched the dance practice to get a better look at that, I was blown away by the physicality of a couple of the members. I mean, the subtle and amazing things that K and Fuma do…dude! Anyway, give &Team and their J-Rock-K-Pop blend songs a mix. For a 1 year old rookie, this group as an amazing range of song versatility.

43. KEY - Good & Great

The message of this song is its selling point, I think. It’s all about having an appreciation for what you have and where you are so that you can find a level of satisfaction. KEY’s songs tend to have a fun vibe and good dance moments, and this doesn’t disappoint in that respect. 

42. Dreamcatcher - Bon Voyage

This is a bit of a departure from their dark dreams concept, but it still has their powerful pop rock sound. Dami stole my attention in Bon Voyage. Her visuals were perfect. Her rap was, as always, excellent. Her dance was powerfully elegant. 

41. N.Flying - Blue Moon

So, if you know music in some way, this song will at the very least give you things to think about. There are a ton of subtle moments from tempo to harmony to melody progression that might not catch your ear if you're not paying attention. Even if you have no musical training, you can enjoy this song as a fun rock concert vibe. 

40. VAV - Designer

THEY’RE BACK!!!! Military services complete and one of my favorite groups is back on the scene…and I get to shout this again later for another group…hehe. What a great year! Anyway, I will begin by saying that the music video is absolute nonsense and I do not care one little bit. I love the Latin-blend of this song and the flow of this song. I want to see them live so bad!

39. IVE - I Want

Yes, this is an advertising collaboration with Pepsi. Does that make it any less fun? Absolutely not. It’s probably best described as safe, though. This is not going to blow your socks off and top the charts, but it has every chance of putting a smile on your face. 

38. MCND - Run

I haven’t had a ton of time to live with this song, so to speak, and I have a feeling it will have better longevity than some of the other songs on this list. It has less influence from the trends and themes that are prevalent at the moment. There is more of a timeless pop-rock element about it. 

37. Shownu & Hyungwon (of MonstaX) - Love Me A Little

This is not a sub-unit I would have predicted in the earliest days…or even the recent days…of MonstaX, but I was not disappointed in the least. You’ll feel a little bit of rock and jazz in the flow and beat of the song, which you would think would mean up-tempo, but this is a lot closer to easy-listening.

36. Oneus - Baila Conmigo

Latin blend kpop won’t get old for me. It’s a great combination. Seoho does some vocal work here that I adore. The song plays with tempo (as well as pauses) AND has a genuine dance break like the older generations of kpop…I had missed that.

35. Weeekly - Backwards

This is the first time I’ve liked both the chorus and verse sections of a Weeekly song. Even though the chorus does head in club music direction, the beat isn’t jarring to me. In fact, it’s a pretty good song all around for cha-cha, so I’m secretly hoping for a zumba routine to this song. Now that the secret’s out, someone please make that happen.

34. Yugyeom ft. Sik-K - Ponytail

I’ve seen quite a few negative comments about this one including a couple that baffled me…for months. So, fair warning that this one might not be for everyone. However, it works for me. Remember when James Blunt's “You’re Beautiful” came out? Or Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are”? Or One Direction’s “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful”? Remember how well loved those songs were for saying that the person behind the clothes and makeup is what defines beauty. That’s what Ponytail gives me. 

33. Secret Number - DOXA

Came for the swirly-hands dance move, stayed for the power vocals and concept. This one grew on me over time but it has those two stand out elements at the very least.

32. &Team - Dropkick

The person that can explain why this song is called dropkick will be my hero of the day! I mean, the whole song is a perky thing about how the guys won’t leave a man behind in hard times. Why dropkick? Are we drop-kicking the hard times? SO CONFUSED!! *Pouts* Enjoy the song in spite of it…can’t resist the perkiness or the footwork in the choreography. 

31. E’LAST - Kiss Me Baby

This song feels like a really well done mash-up. The verses are more rock style while the choruses are closer to ballad and hip-hop. That said, it manages cohesion and has fun doing it. And in spite of the unfortunate timing, I refuse to be anything but amused by the lines ‘Heal me like a fairy tale…Kiss me baby all day.” 

30. Seventeen (vocal line) - 먼지 aka Dust

Seventeen is going to show up again…spoilers. Here we have a solid pop song. It has some 80’s-90’s structure that makes me bounce along. This song works best for me when I’m taking a walk or doing dishes. 

29. BTOB - Wind and Wish

THEY’RE ALSO BACK!!!!!! Changsub’s voice is one of my favorites and the song is fun. Add to that these guys being unabashedly thrilled to be back in the music world and you’re in for a good time. 

28. KARD - Icky

Honestly, the first time I listened to this, I said aloud, “Oh no…no no” followed by a shocked gasp as BM got to his lines. I waited for the choreography, because I always do and I found myself giggling. So this went from a hard no to my top 30…because it’s funny. Musically, it’s not really my style but BM’s *ahem* subtle lines along with Somin shouting “MY INNUENDO” when there is absolutely no way anyone could mistake the topic of conversation is…awesome. *giggles*

27. Purple Kiss - Sweet Juice 

While the song has fairly repetitive (if interesting and pretty) background music, the vocals shine. I won’t turn down a pretty melody sung beautifully and these ladies nailed it in this song. Also, you all know I’m a sucker for a creepy concept in a MV.

26. Yena - Wicked Love

Bear with me..if Vixx was a girl group…and a soloist…and chose sensual, dark as their concept…this might be what came out. So obviously, I like it. Yena’s soft voice in combination with the tinkling high piano melody makes the song a bit haunting and very compelling. I always look up when this song cycles in my playlist. 

25. Oneus - Erase Me

Struggled with how to explain this one, because everything I wrote made it sound like something it's not. This is a well-crafted song that combines segments that aren’t alike in any way, but that marry together into a beautiful couple that you know will be sharing a bench to feed ducks when they’re 90 years old. …Best I could do, my friends.

24. HYO - Picture

HYO tends to make songs that I either love or hate. This year, I loved it. The strong drum beat in the song is a high point that keeps the general repetition of the lyrics turn into more of an additional beat. I thought that was a really smart choice given that HYO is very performance and dance oriented. There’s a trumpet too! Gotta love a good trumpet. 

23. VIVIZ - Maniac

I’m sure Steven will have covered this song well, so I’ll be quite brief. SinB’s hips! Just kidding (mostly). Eunha’s vocals on this song killed me…there was a ton of control. I also love the transitions in this song for their ability to flow seamlessly from part to part. 

22. VIXX - Amnesia

THEY’RE BACK TOO!!!! While we are down two members permanently and N is also sitting out for this promotional period due to scheduling conflicts, I am still ecstatic! VIXX are excellent at anything they do, so I recommend trying anything and everything they put out. It won’t always be your style, but it will always be high quality. This one is my style, so bonus happy points from me on their comeback.

21. Taeyeon - To X

I do so enjoy Taeyeon in her R&B break-up songs (Try “Four Seasons” if you do too). The genre gives her the freedom to show off her vocals and the subject gives her the chance to blast us with the emotionality she can masterfully create. 

20. TRI.BE - We Are Young

Okay, try to look past the insane styling and make-up and all the winking to see the song under it all. The song itself is pure fun between the staccato spelling lessons (including sign language for those that want it) and cheeky “WoooOOOooOOO”s, I am forced to enjoy myself.

19. VIVIZ - Untie

When this song began, my very first thought was “Oh, no. Their first misstep!” By the end of the song, I ate my words. This song goes SOOOO hard, which feels like a strange choice for VIVIZ which has no rapper and all soft voices. But dang do those girls kill this song. At this point, I’m starting to think they can do absolutely anything and it would be a hit.

18. Seventeen - I Don’t Understand But I Luv U

So, don’t hate me, but I have no idea what about this song I love. The members of Seventeen involved in this song all have what I would describe as soft or light voices. The song itself is perfectly in my singing register, which is always nice. But my feelings about this song are very accurately portrayed in the song’s title. 

17. TXT - Chasing That Feeling

In keeping with my general trend of liking songs that would fit in a line-up of 80’s coming of age movies, I quite enjoyed this song. It reminds me…(and probably only me)...of A-ha’s “Take On Me”. 

16. Kang Daniel - SOS

I liked this song immediately and it totally reminded me of a song. It reminded me of *snaps fingers*...that song, ya know?...the one with that guitar ‘bong bong beat singing’... Haha. Seriously…that’s exactly how it went. And then I pulled poor Steven into the hunt for the other song. It was Switchfoot’s “Meant to Live”. Anyway, SOS is a really cool song and I low-key love the random knocking on the door sounds in the background. Personally, I recommend watching the performance version though. I found the official MV distracting.

15. HeyMen - Mirror (TicToc)

I’m pretty sure this is the wackiest song on my list from a musical perspective…not as in whacking the dance, to be clear. HeyMen is a rock band, for those who aren’t familiar, so be ready for some heavy guitar in this song at times. But at times only the drum is in the background and some…umm…unique vocal melody keeps the song moving. I don’t know. I like it and I think everyone should at least give it a try. 

14. WEi - Overdrive

As a fan that is still sad about JBJ breaking up, I’ve kept an eye on WEi because of Donghan, hoping against all hope that I would actually like a song. FINALLY it happened. The original version of the song has some autotuning/electro-pop elements that I’m still not totally sure it needed. The group did the BAND LIVE thing and I loved the song in a more rock form too. Either way, it's essentially a summer bop vibe of a song. 

13. KARD - Fireworks

This is the first of a strange trio of songs from this year all called firework(s)...and amazingly all in my top 15 songs. How weird is that? This particular firework is a much softer sound than you’ll be used to hearing from KARD lately. The song was released as a single for a reason. It gives more attention to the singing skills of the members and reminds me of some of their earlier songs (which I tend to prefer). It makes for good easy-listening background music.

12. ATEEZ - Bouncy

If you don’t like earworms or parties or songs with enormous vocal ranges…don’t bother with this song. I wasn’t completely sold on this song at first, to be honest, but it now makes me irrationally happy. Probably helps that it completely weirds out my son when I sing it because “Oh My God, you sound just like the parrot!”...and that will never not be funny to me.

11. VAV - Reason

I’m sure this song won’t hit the same way for people that aren’t long time fans of this group, but it’s still a pretty little love song even without the context. The song was written as a thank you to the fans that have stood by the group through many changes and the long break caused by mandatory military services. As expected from a group called “Very Awesome Voices”, the fan gift song is a ballad that focuses on beautiful vocal expression…and yeah, I can’t get enough of some of those vocal runs. 

10. MCND - Pop Star

Every time I start writing this song up, I feel like I’m insulting it. It’s in my top 10, so please understand that I mean all of this in the BEST possible way. Pop Star is a pop-rock song with some hip hop elements that all blend together to create something of a…nothing song. It’s not super exciting or horribly off-putting. It’s not fast or slow exactly. It sweeps in like a light breeze and leaves much the same way, leaving me refreshed and comfortable.


This rookie group started out strong in my book. This song has some of the elements of previous generations of kpop and that works for me as a long time fan. It has a couple slowed down beat drops that I know aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but they don’t bother me at all, like a splash of contrasting color in the decor of a room.

8. EPEX - 여우가 시집가는 날 aka Sunshower

This song combines two very different feelings: fun and off-kilter. It’s definitely a dance song and it’s easy to bounce around to. But, the song is about that disorienting feeling of realizing your partner might not be being faithful and the music itself manages to capture that, like a fun house in the carnival where things are just a teeny bit off. We all know by now that I like my music to tell a story. 

7. Oneus - Unforgettable

I was surprised by how rap heavy this song was considering their rapper is no longer in the group. Even so, nothing is lacking in the musical experience. Seoho’s vocals…chef’s kiss. Emotions…totally there. Driving drum in the background, check. Haunting little piano to close out the song…SOLD!

6. Hyolyn ft. Paul Blanco - 이게 사랑이지 뭐야 aka This Love

Hyolyn sounds great next to wonderfully smooth male vocals like this. The complement of her unique sound plays well. I should give the warning that the chorus here sounds a tad on the repetitive side if you don’t understand the Korean well enough. I love the MV too…it made me say out loud “no wait, what?” 

5. NINE.i - Turn It Off

Are you looking for something unashamedly upbeat? Are you looking for something that tells you it's okay to tell any negative voice in your head to ‘shut up’? Then I definitely have the song for you! The MV is an explosion of color. All around fun, fun, fun.

4. Gaho - Love Me

Romance isn’t dead…Gaho found it. This song would fit in with some of those classic 1950’s musicals. You know the ones, right? Frank Sinatra, Bing Cosby, Fred Astaire…the ones where the singers didn’t sing, they crooned. Gaho gave me some modern day crooning and I might never recover. 

3. AIMERS - Fireworks

The music reviews I’ve seen out there from people that make it their business to know…not flattering for this song. Do I care? Nope. This song is not revolutionary music, but it is good music. In the high tech, fast paced world we live in, lots of people get caught up in “What’s the next big thing? How can we make it different?” This song helps slow me down and reminds me that the building blocks themselves can be beautiful. Clean vocals, a pretty melody, solid instrumentals…it has what it needs put together in a way that I can (and do) sing with as well as put my hand in the air and wave it like I’m at a concert. …Yeah, I’m pretty sure my neighbors think I’m nuts, but do I care? Nope. I’m happy listening to this song. 

2. LUCY - Unbelievable

I’ve been waiting for a Lucy song that I actually enjoyed for a while now. The lead vocalist’s voice is wonderfully unique and powerful. I have a feeling he shares Lee Hongki’s problem where it’s simply too obvious when he tries to sing in falsetto. On top of that, I grew up around classical music, so the violin sound is always welcome. In spite of that, none of their songs clicked with me until now. To start, they gave me a MV that’s perfect for the family in its wholesomeness…and gamer nerdiness. And the song is upbeat and adorable. Highly recommend this one. 

1. &Team - Firework

The final entry in the firework saga! Haha. And if I must, I’ll confess that I do prefer the Japanese version of this song a teeny bit. Either version would top my list though. I love the driving nature of this song as well as the hopeful energy of the lyrics. There is sing-along-ability and replay-ability too. Top that off with a dance that is a delight and I couldn’t be happier.

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