Upcoming: 2024 has been a tough year for writing articles, and managing uploads, I’ve had a lot more going on that kept me from doing this, but I have a back log of variety review articles to post and a bunch of music articles that I want to do. It’s also a busy concert season so I’ll be putting out concert reviews, I just uploaded Weeekly’s and I have gone to 3 other shows already this season and have another 6 lined up (as of September 19), one of which isn’t K-pop at all.

On the upside, my physical health conditions have been getting much better, and I’m feeling much more energetic. So, no promises on upload speed, but there WILL BE year end articles as always, and I want to get some other articles written before then too. I also have some gaming related articles I want to write as well, so check that out when it happens. I’m thinking about trying to do more video content too, streaming, Youtube, Tik-Toks, I don’t know what that would look like, and as with article upload speed, no promises, but it has been on my mind.

Lastly, thank you to everybody who has come through the site, we have had over 24,000 unique viewers and get hundreds a month. I hope to be able to leverage that into doing cool things, like building a really healthy, active, accepting, and international Discord community, especially for fans who feel shy or don’t feel like they fit in with more focused communities. I would love to interview smaller groups to help them get themselves out there as well. That said, the ultimate long-term goal right now: interview Weeekly in person, let’s make it happen!

Thanks for all the love and support- Steven


Korean Variety Shows

Gaming, TV Shows, and Concerts

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